Larch wood, steel, steel cable; 400 x 200 x 200 cm

The Karersee Sound Path (Italy) was conceived as an offering for both the local community as well as visitors to the region. The idea for the ‘Sound Chandelier’ emerged as part of the development of the sound path during a 5-day stay on-site. A clear focus was set on site-specific artistic exploration using regional materials. In the installation, the wind serves as a sound generator and is consciously invited as an actor into the sound installation. The resulting woody sounds are diverse and enhance awareness of the otherwise invisible global natural phenomenon. Suspended 8 meters above a clearing, the 2.40 to 4-meter-long slender sound rods begin to move, rub against each other, and collide with the slightest breeze. The wood from this specific region in South Tyrol receives worldwide recognition due to its particularly straight growth and is ideal for instrument-making. Four rings made of wooden rods of varying lengths visually resemble the annual rings of a tree from below. The sensitive and site-specific object unexpectedly appears to the hiker and invites them to linger.