Who makes decisions about urban space and whose interests are represented? Who determines the intended use in the public sphere? How do consumerist interests influence urban planning? What does public space say about a society and how can cities be more people-friendly?  In public space, urban design and strategic building measures are increasingly used to displace certain groups of people and behaviors. With the support of the AURORA XR School for Artists at the University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Economics (HTW) Berlin and in collaboration with querstadtein e.V., Martin Binder utilizes the digital realm as an activist design tool, creating urban utopias through augmented reality. Existing places shaped by discriminatory design are augmented with virtual alternatives that can be experienced on a smartphone screen. The digital layer of AR becomes an audiovisual imaginative space of possibilities beyond existing power structures. ‘from hostile to hospitable’ promotes awareness of discriminatory urban design and its underlying prejudices, as well as a critical attitude in everyday life, and opens up spaces of possibility for a more inclusive, humane urban design. Go to website “From Hostile to Hospitable”

Ventilation shaft at the television tower, Berlin
Bench behind the Humboldtforum