inserimento 01

34 x 30 x 16 cm
River stone, extruded polystyrene foam

From the series: inserimento

The series “inserimento” combines stones found in Ticino with artificial material from the Peccia river. The starting point for these works was a severe flood that devastated the Lavizzara Valley in the summer of 2024 and left deep scars in the landscape. The series reflects on the changes in the landscape and recalls the state of the riverbed full of artificial fragments after the disaster. Stone and plastic merge in sculptural gestures. Styrofoam and marble; granite and expanded plastic: contrasts of hard and soft, of natural and artificial. The artificial foam from fossil sources will remain in the ecosystems - in the same way as the stone. The series was created as part of a three-month residency at the Centro Internazionale di Scultura in Peccia. In the series “inserimento”, the artificial fragments can hardly be distinguished from the stone. Similarities appear, material, color and texture refer to each other, the traces of human product worlds are hidden in the stone.

Other works from this series