How to create a space for play that protects against potential contagions, yet still allows complex interaction and communication? Rimbin is an infection-free playground where children can play, talk and laugh together without risking the spread of Covid-19 and without losing the fun of playing. Against the backdrop of the Corona pandemic, Martin Binder, together with psychologist and publicist Claudio Rimmele, developed an innovative playground concept that addresses both necessary safety measures due to the risk of infection as well as the needs of children and families, and offers creative as well as constructive approaches to solutions in times of crisis. The play areas of “Rimbin” are visually based on the leaf shape of the Amazonian giant water lily. Each child is provided with his or her own play platform. The different platforms are connected by interactive play features, such as seesaws and speaking tubes, through which the children can communicate in an analog way. At a safe distance, this allows for lively exchanges to occur. The social and physical stimuli associated with outdoor play are essential for children’s motor and mental development and for learning social skills. “Rimbin” uses the crisis as a creative catalyst and enables encounters within the constraints required during a pandemic.  

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play tower
wheel for two